Visiting the historic centre of Figline Valdarno, you can see, in various places and for long stretches, the remains of the old ring of walls that served in the Middle Ages to defend the city.
The walls of Figline Valdarno (then called Fegghine) were erected between 1353 and 1375 to defend the new town, which had formed downstream after the destruction of the Castle of Fegghine by the Florentine Republic. A few years earlier, in fact, the people of Fegghine had mostly sided with the City of Arezzo, arousing the wrath of a Guelph Florence which in those years had begun its expansion also in the Valdarno.
The Walls of Figline Valdarno have been largely demolished, while in some places houses have been built against them. However, some still clearly visible stretches and some still intact towers remain, showing us the majesty of this ring of defence.
Below you can find an easy map where the points where the ancient walls of Figline Valdarno are still visible today are marked.