Figline Valdarno is the second most popular tourist destination in the province of Florence, after the capital itself. Figline is famous for its historic centre, its medieval city walls and its ancient origins.

The origins of the village date back to 1109 when, from the castle of Figline, some citizens descended into the Arno Valley in order to establish a reference point for the exchange of goods. The main streets within the village were designed in the second half of the 13th century, according to a Roman scheme of parallel communication routes.

Over the years, Figline has become an important centre for tourism in the province of Florence and an important transit point for the Valdarno. The territory of Figline Valdarno has much to offer its citizens and visitors, let’s see together what are the most important activities or places.

What to see in Figline Valdarno


Piazza Marsilio Ficino

Piazza Marsilio Ficino, one of the largest and most characteristic squares in the Valdarno, is a market square, designed for the weekly market that still takes place every Tuesday. The square owes its name to the humanist philosopher Marsilio Ficino, who lived in the second half of the 15th century.

In the evening, and especially in summer, the square is very lively and you can find numerous places with the possibility of having excellent aperitifs or outdoor dinners.


Collegiata di Santa Maria

The most striking structure overlooking Piazza Marsilio Ficino is the Collegiata di Santa Maria, founded around the mid-13th century. The church has a single-nave structure and contains various works of art attributed to De Magistris and a terracotta by Luca della Robbia, which is located in the Chapel.

Chiesa della Collegiata di Figline Valdarno


Museo d’Arte Sacra della Collegiata di Figline Valdarno

In the sacristy of the church there is a Museum of Sacred Art which contains various works of art attributed to De Magistris and other objects such as jewels, furnishings and paintings.


Le Logge Serristori

On the opposite side of the square, in front of the collegiate church, you can admire the portico of the Serristori Hospital, commissioned by the homonymous family and founded in 1399. The original structure, which had a two-story portico, was initially a place of refuge for pilgrims and, subsequently, a hospital and pharmacy.


Palazzo Pretorio

The Palazzo Pretorio of Figline Valdarno is an imposing stone building dating back to the 14th century. Next to the building is a bell tower, slightly inclined due to ground subsidence. The facade of the building is decorated with the coats of arms of the podestà who have succeeded each other over time. Currently the palace is used as a centre for events, weddings and cultural meetings.


Chiesa di San Francesco

The Church of San Francesco in Figline Valdarno, dated 1229, is the oldest church in the area. The facade cladding is two-tone, made of green marble and white stone. Inside the structure, which also includes a beautiful cloister, there are numerous works dating back to the 15th century.


Il Teatro Garibaldi

The Municipal Theatre, dedicated to Garibaldi, is located in the northern part of Figline, and was built near the ancient medieval walls. The Theatre has gone through times of splendour and times of decline. The last renovation, dating back to 1995, has radically changed it and has led it to be one of the most important in the Valdarno.

Vista frontale del Teatro Comunale di Figline Valdarno, Teatro Garibaldi


Mura Medioevali

In Figline you can glimpse some stretches of the ancient walls that were built in 1350 to protect the city centre. In those years, in fact, Figline played a very important role thanks to its position halfway between Florence, Arezzo and Siena.

In addition to the stretches of city walls, you can admire in some points the remains of the ancient watchtowers, now partly transformed into houses.


Casa della Civiltà Contadina di Gaville

The Museum of Rural Life of Gaville, is located in the rectory of the Parish Church of San Romolo in Gaville, a few minutes from Figline. The Museum offers a very interesting insight into rural life, thanks to an exhibition of over 6000 objects that have allowed to reconstruct some important rooms in a typical farmhouse.

Museo della civiltà contadina di Gaville



Every year, in autumn, Figline Valdarno hosts a three-day event dedicated to agriculture, the environment and food. The event involves many local organisations such as food and wine companies, voluntary associations and local authorities.

In addition to the stands, exhibition areas closely linked to the territory are set up, and events, conferences and exhibitions are organised. The occasion is the most important in the Valdarno in autumn and welcomes thousands of visitors every year.


Palio di San Rocco

Every year, on the occasion of the Feast of the Pardon of Figline, the Palio di San Rocco is organised. This event, born in the 70s, aims to be a historical re-enactment of medieval tournaments, and attracts many people every year.

During the Palio, the four districts of Figline Valdarno, Porta Aretina, Porta San Francesco, Porta Fiorentina and Porta Senese, compete for the Palio in five races. The most important race is the Joust on Horseback in which the knights, equipped with a lance, must hit a ring of 6 cm in diameter.



Here is a small map where you can find the main attractions to visit in Figline Valdarno: